Monday, December 10, 2007

Pre-test #1

This week we are having two "pre-tests" to prepare us for our final exam before Christmas vacation. Amanda I were stressing out about these tests even though there was no grade and it was strictly for practice.

So for today's test, we had very simple recipes - Quiche Lorraine and Poulet rôti. We all picked numbers randomly to see who would present their first dish first. Then we would need to serve our second dish a few minutes later. It turned out to be totally okay - I even had time to kill.

Here are my creations - these are extremely classic French dishes in terms of preparation as well as presentation.

Quiche Lorraine. The only complaint on my quiche were that the lardons were cut too large. BUT the only reason why my chef noticed was because he saw me cutting them. He said to me "Not steaks, Joan." HAHAHA! Also, I need to work out foncer-ing the tarte (edge of the tart to make it all pretty). Otherwise, the seasoning and cooking was good.

Poulet rôti. I got a few points docked off for the tressing of the chicken. But otherwise, it was ok. My jus tasted terrible in my opinion, but it was because we used water instead of stock which didn't give it the right flavor. You like how traditionally, the middle finger sticks out? HA

So far so good.

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