Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gin + Rugby + Canadian bar

Tis the season of rugby. Tonight we decided to pre-game at Canada's apt. Here we are being completely ridiculous. But alas, throwing up our hands has become somewhat of a tradition - yes, because we know we look silly and are the most non-ghetto people you will ever meet. And I would like to state that Canada pretty much drank a whole bottle of gin to himself. I guess that is what they do in Calgary.


Hitting up bars near my street - Rue Du Four, 6ème

Cheering for American football at a Canadian bar!


Uh oh...


So... as we were walking back to my place to get some water for the tipsy ones, Canada is talking (or more like rambling) about miscellaneous shit. I tell him that he needs to eat some bread or something, and mentioned that I had terrine at my place. He then proceeds to tell us repeatedly:

"You are gorgeous, I love you, and I want some terrine in my mouth."

So yes, that is a classic quote that we will never forget. And see the terrine sushi I made for him with sandwich bread? He has no recollection of this ever happening. I mean look at the poor guy's expression. Priceless!

Needless to say, he wasn't feeling very well the next day. Oh and he threw up in the hallway at school because he couldn't make it to the bathroom.

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