Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving in Paris

Amanda had the brilliant idea of inviting all the Americans (throw in a Canadian, Brazilian, and HKian in there as well) to Thanksgiving at her house. She lives in the 'burbs so it is quite a trek to get there. But what the hell, it's only once right? She actually lives in a real house, with a real yard, a dog, and a fence. Sometimes it's nice to be out of the city.

This Thanksgiving was not entirely traditional. First, I made my mother's egg rolls (well tried to, they didn't turn out nearly as good). Brian made some wontons. And we had fried chicken and orange duck. However, we did have some turkey and yams. And this delicious stuffing that Hong Kong Chris made with rosemary. That's pretty Thanksgiving-ish right?

Frying my wanna-be mom's egg rolls


Amanda hard at work

Warming my cold ass in front of the fire. She has a fireplace! A real fire place!

We had so much food! It was great. I accidentally filled up on brownies a bit before dinner even started. Oops!




Amanda's landlady's dog is really naughty and ate this delicious pie that Justin made for us.

Justin and naughty puppy, Tarau

It was a lot of fun. Good food, good wine, good company - what more could you ask for? Thanks to Amanda for hosting!

And then it's back to Paris. Does anyone have an iPod?


So this is Andrew and HK Chris's idea of pre-gaming


Had to threw in one of these

HK Chris, me, and Canadia Chris

A few rounds of shots and drinks later, we came back to my itty bitty pre-game and post-game studio for what else than water and food.

Nothing better than ramen in the middle of the night! Look at that smile!

"It's so fucking spicy" is what I kept hearing that night.

CHEERS to NONG SHIM ramen. If you've never had it - it's only the most popular, spicy Korean packaged ramen out there. You gotta try it!


1 comment:

Rafael Donnay said...

I have 10 bags of that ramen at home, but i'm afraid to try it because it's tooooo spicy.