Friday, April 04, 2008

Le Menu Regional: Poitou Charentes + CAP Test 1

Today was my language test for the C.A.P. The C.A.P. is a state-wide diploma. If I pass, I would be a "certified" cook in France. It is the most basic degree/diploma. (France has other degrees like the BEP or BAC Pro). One of the requirements is a second language test. Naturally, I chose English. My test was at 11am so I did my mise en place for today's regional menu, and then went to take the test outside of Paris. I had to bring in an article in English, so I brought in an article on Chicago banning Foie Gras. It was really easy to say the least. When I walked in, I only spoke a few words of French to the interviewer. The test itself only took 20 minutes, and when I started speaking English, the French lady interviewing me asked, "have you been to the United States? You have a bit of an American accent." HAHAHA It was great. Anyway, I was in and out of there quickly, and returned to the Regional menu just in time to eat lunch. Also, we were to have a last minute guest dine with us - Ulla.

Huîtres en gelée

Couteaux aux asperges avec Mouclade

Moules Marinés

Chevreau, Farci poitevin (We got a whole baby goat!)

Cheesecake. Sorbet au pineau et melon

Btw, we were instructed to burn the cheesecake like that. This type of cake is very popular in this region. It was funny because people were like "something is burning!" And then I said "oh GREAT, it's perfect!"

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