Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Nice, France Part deux

Day trip to Nice. I went to the open market.


But the "famous" socca place, Chez Thérèse was closed on Mondays. I saw soccas elsewhere but was afraid to try it in case it was crappy.

Spent a good chunk of time sunbathing.

Why does the sun seem significantly brighter in France ?

And swimming

... in the gorgeous turquoise blue water. So nice. The rocks here still hurt your feet but are a lot smoother than the ones in St-Jean. The water was really lovely and clean - not really as clear as St-Jean but still fabulous.

After I walked around town. I finally found the white sundress that I had been looking for - for years! It fit me well and was only 15 Euro. Was very happy about that =)

Was starving so I got a snack here.

It was nice except for this crazy looking punk lesbian chic who kept staring at me. I tried to hide behind a wall.

Later on some Arab kids kicked a soccor ball on me for fun. It hit my arm so it didn't hurt much. If it hit my face, I think I woulda opened a can of whoop-ass.

I got way too much sun today and not enough real food. Wasn't feeling well so I went back to the hotel. I didn't get hungry until way later but was stuck in my lil town. I had pizza again at the same pizza place we went to for Sabrina's birthday. Good but greasy.

In front of the pizzeria

Then I took a walk around the harbor.




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