Saturday, August 30, 2008

Erhan and Shirin`s wedding

Left the house around 12h00. Drove to Burbank for Erhan and Shirin`s wedding. Oh yes, barely any AC since the car overheats. Went to St. Jude to get dressed and 'shower' (You know how Charlize Theron showers in the movie Monster ? HAHA). Got there right on time at 19h00. The wedding was really lovely - a mix of Turkish and Persian culture.





The Groom’s cake ! Triathlon pride

With the beautiful bride and groom

Miki lives and works 10 minutes from Burbank so she stopped by for a bit to say hello. WEDDING CRASHER!!! LOVES IT! I haven’t seen her since my going away party to France.

Left around 23h00. Got home around 5h30. I am immune to caffeine now - drank a bunch of coffee etc and I still fell asleep.

Thanks Raf for being a trooper and driving the whole time! I guess Coke, Red Bull, and a large cup of coffee works for him.


Rafael Donnay said...

Very cool wedding... very cool wedding cake... not so cool drive home from 11pm-5am.

Erhan said...

Merci a tous les deux d'etre venu. Cela m'a fait beaucoup plaisir de vous avoir parmis nous. Joan merci pour le blog, je fais passer le youtube a des amis...