Saturday, September 27, 2008

Le Bistro Paul Bert

We spent the rest of the afternoon in the first and second window shopping, taking a coffee, and buying some kitchen stuff. (Yay, I finally got financier molds !) We were pretty tired from being out all day so we went back at home to rest.

Then dinner at Le Bistro Paul Bert... at 22h30. It was the only time available.

Me and Matt opted for the foie gras with figues confit.

He got the parmentier

I got the côte d'agneau on top of a bed of legumes, of course. Really good.

Pim got the steak frites. This was delicious.

I'm in a huge figue phase right now - so I had to get it for dessert. (Figues in honey + vanilla ice-cream)

We finished eating around 1h00. =D

If you want some good ole rustique traditional French cuisine, this is the place to go. And I love how there is a sign underneath the steak frites option that says "Cuire bleue ou saignant seulement !" (Cooked 'raw' or medium rare only!) That is the only way to do it! And the right way.

Absolutely wonderful. I will be back.

Le Bistro Paul Bert
18, rue Paul Bert
75011, Paris
M: Faidherbe-Chaligny
Tel: 33 1 43 72 24 01

(Be sure to make reservations)

1 comment:

Tripping More for Less said...

Hello; just found your blog looking for info on Bistro Paul Bert; I am planning a visit to Paris in March and it seems like a good possibility; not far from where I will be staying too! I love the way You are updating frequently and sharing so much. I will be looking around your blog more; but just wanted to say hi and yes, someone is reading it.